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Afrikaans Hungarian Punjabi Albanian Icelandic Romanian Amharic Igbo Russian Arabic Indonesian Samoan Armenian Irish Scots Gaelic Azerbaijani Italian Serbian Basque Japanese Sesotho Belarusian Javanese Shona Bengali Kannada Sindhi Bosnian Kazakh
It’s really easy to translate videos on Subcap with the help of AI. First of all, try to add or shoot a video. You’ll see this screen: Select your video
Let’s add subtitles to your videos automatically on Subcap! First of all, you can shoot a video from the homepage or add an existing video from your phone. After adding
Some can prefer to add manual subtitles. It is a long process, but very easy with Subcap. After recording a video on the app or adding an existing one from
You can easily edit the generated captions on Subcap. You can pause the video by tapping on it. You can edit the sentences one by one this way. You can